Media and Entertainment Industry Mailing List

The Media and Entertainment Industry Email List is a database containing the contact details of technical writers, advertising directors, actors, editors and other prominent key players in the media industry . It offers email addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses of decision-makers from the entertainment Industry. This email list helps you in streamlining marketing efforts and enhancing outreach plans for improved business growth and opportunities.

The Media and Entertainment Mailing Lists is an unrivaled resource for companies wishing to improve their reach in the entertainment sector. Built with accuracy and precision, our database puts you in touch with key players in the media industry, including high-level executives, animators, graphic designers, broadcast journalists, audio-visual technicians, copy editors, and more associated with the entertainment industry. The world of media & entertainment business is constantly evolving, with new technologies, innovations, and trends shaping its future.

Request for Quote

    When it comes to marketing, one size does not fit all. Our Media Industry Email List is made to help companies of all sizes and goals, whether you’re a new business trying to make a name for yourself or an established business in the media industry looking to grow your customer base. Our media and entertainment email list is carefully divided into groups based on job titles, region, company size, age, gender, SIC code, NAICS code, and sales revenue. In the media business, you can tailor your outreach strategies and increase the number of leads you get. This lets you send potential clients messages that are personal and interesting.


    Our Media and Entertainment Industry Email List helps you by delivering your marketing campaigns directly to the inboxes of your target buyers, you increase the chances of engagement and conversion rate. Our well-maintained list ensures that your emails are delivered successfully with a high email open rate, minimizing the risk of being flagged as spam. With our 7-tier verified media and entertainment email list you can produce quality leads for your sales and maximize your ROI.


    Media and Entertainment Mailing Lists can be directly used by business & sales reps to engage with their targeted buyers through telephone marketing, email, direct mail and online marketing to nurture leads, promote & sell your products, goods, services and more. ListsXpanders email list is compiled with active users from legitimate resources like public records, business conferences & events, industry magazines, etc. You can experience almost 0% of email bounce rate. Contact us to get a free-sample list today! And experience the quality of our database list.

    Available Media and Entertainment Industry Job Titles

    CEO/President Chairman, Owner/Partner
    Directors CFO, CIO, CTO, COO
    Treasurer Sales & Marketing Executives
    HR Executives Managers
    Vice Presidents Operations Executives
    R & D Executives IT Executives
    Purchasing / Procurement Finance Executives
    Controller And Others..,

    Media Industry Mailing List Includes

    First Name Last Name
    Company Name Job Title
    Email Address Phone Number
    Fax Number Mailing Address
    Company Website/URL Industry
    SIC Code/Description NAICS Code/Description
    Employee Size Revenue Size
    LinkedIn Profile And More.!
    Employ our Business Email List to:

    1. Easily network with targeted buyers
    2. Optimize your lead counts
    3. Engage with key stakeholders
    4. Amplify Sales and Profit Margins
    5. Boost your Brand Visibility

    Buying our Business Mailing List has Several Advantages:

    Our Media and Entertainment Industry Email List is compiled after a 7-step verification process. We use both AI-based algorithms and a team of technical professionals to double-check all of the contacts on our industry email lists to ensure that it is accurate and relevant to your target audience personas.

    Below are few key factors:
    • Our email list is of 95% accuracy
    • Perform data cleansing process for every 30-45 days
    • Provide 100% data replacement, if more than 10% of hard bounce
    • 24/7 ready for Pre & post Sales Support